About Me

Hi, I'm Katarina

If you’re smart, driven, and accomplished, but cannot seem to feel successful in love, I've got you.

I’ve been where you are.

Like most ambitious women, I spent my 20s securing scholarships to prestigious universities, climbing the corporate ladder to high-ranking positions, figuring out my finances, and moving from country to country, exploring the world. When I figured it was time to settle down in my early 30s, I found a guy, got engaged, planned a big destination wedding, and bought a joint home. Tick, tick, tick checklist – done.

Unfortunately, I was with the completely wrong person. It became clear to me that we weren’t compatible after a few years. Despite everything looking picture perfect and thinking I’d done everything right…I found myself having to give back the ring, call off the wedding, sell our dream home in the beautiful British Columbian mountains, and navigate an exhausting and expensive legal battle. I felt humiliated, defeated, and destroyed. I couldn't understand how I’d gotten it so wrong. With everything else in my life pretty much figured out, why was finding a partner so damn hard?

So I decided to dig deep and figure it out. I made it a priority. I invested resources, time, and money into getting clarity on where I was getting blocked in my relationships. Fast forward a year and I met my now husband at a music festival. Within months, we had become engaged, bought a beautiful home in Ibiza, and started building a business together.

Through my own journey, I figured out how to solve this confusing and painful problem for myself and for others. Building off of my ICF Accredited training in Transformational Coaching, Integrated Attachment Theory training®, understanding of gender dynamics (University of Oxford M.St), and my professional experience in behavioural science, mindfulness teacher training, integrated attachment theory work, and personal learnings from endless therapy, coaching, and retreats…to help people like you.

If you’re interested in learning more, watch my free video training on the Behavioral Science of Attraction below.

  • University of Oxford M.St

  • University of Nottingham BA Hons

  • University of Cambridge DEI Cert.

  • Former Regional Vice President of global behavioural science consultancy

  • Masculinity Studies Peer-Reviewed Academic

  • Transformational Coach ICF ACC

  • NLP Practitioner & Coach

  • EFT Practitioner

  • IFS Informed

  • Integrated Attachment Theory Practitioner

  • Exited co-founder of luxury drinks wholesaler

  • Founder of the Behavioural Science of Attraction based methodology, Successfully in Love®